Host Math based-sports for group 0 to group 8.
Not only do all caring and mindful parents desire their child or children to be engaged and have fun learning their math, they also wish them to be active. After all, there is an overwhelming body of research that supports just those.
Did you know that CLBSS is bringing Math based-sports as an afternoon program, club or an entirely program blended at your school ? Whichever you feel attracted by, we want to help you reach your children full potential at your school.
How does that work?
You may choose to run the program yourself. For this you will get a workshop where you will be equipped to teach yourself
you may decide to ask your students to sign up directly with us and we come and run the program at your school.
Time, date and contents can be adjusted based on your long term goals
Time, date and contents can be adjusted based on your long term goals
4-6 years old 1 hour
mini lesson with groups
stations assigned
rotations 1
rotation 2
close up
7-9 years old 1.30 hours
mini lesson with groups
stations assigned
rotations 1
rotation 2
close up
10-12 years old 2 hours
mini lesson with groups
stations assigned
rotations 1
rotation 2
close up